Thursday, October 31, 2019

Film and Genre Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Film and Genre - Movie Review Example This does not mean that there necessarily or fundamentally should be a huge amount of swashbuckling or gunfight scenes. A movie can well be an Action and Adventure genre movie if there is enough action or incidents happening around the main character. Another important aspect of an Action and Adventure genre movie is that it should have enough narrative formats that can be termed as simple. (Berkowitz, 189) Thus, the three movies selected for the essay falls easily between the lines of an Action and Adventure genre movie. In fact each of these selected movies occupies its unique positions. October Sky contains no physical action but the character of the movie is always on a move in the psychological context and is adventurous in nature which actually sets the essence of the movie. This movie falls in the line between a Drama and an Action and Adventure genre movie. Shaft on the other hand is a completely action packed film and could be positioned at the central position of the graph where October Sky occupies one end of the graph. The other end of the graph is 'Hero'. This movie falls in the line between an Action and Adventure genre movie and a Costume drama. But all these three movies are well bracketed within the genre Action and Adventure. The first movie in contention is October Sk... come rocket scientist.This is a movie about a teenager who observes the Sputnik, launched by the soviet space agency, racing across the sky and decided to indulge his life into rocket science. As Homer is over-showed by his older brother, a local football star, his ambition is curtained by the dust of the coal fields in the mining township of Coalwood where the ultimate destiny of every teenager is to work as a coal miner. The social structure of this locality deprives any thought process that tries to overcome the social brackets of the coal mines and Homer's father is no different. He is unable to 'think big' in the context of intellectual freedom and the procedure is just the extension of the local neighborhood, or in other words, the coal mines. As we have seen in the novel "Germinal" by Emil Zola, the local characters other than Homer tends to be engrossed by the day to day living and livelihood of the mines and are just unable to think beyond the parameters of their circumstances. (Kar, 254) In this scenario, Homer finds himself in a situation where he finds no alternative other than rockets to opt for a better living. He tries to influence other kids to help him build rockets. The two other teens who agreed to help him out in this matter appears to be no as foresighted as Homer and are generally reluctant with a tint of amusement included to it. But all is not that muted after all. As in our social life, Homer finds a supportive hand in his mother and his school teacher. This is another aspect of the movie that moves us so much and generates a sense of euphoria simply because a lone rider is never a lone rider in the real world and its societies. What ever and where ever and when ever there is a mission on its way it is the society's underlying aspect to

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Resume Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 15

Resume - Essay Example I addition, I learned competence in reports on stock performance, delivering forecasts of revenue opportunities; analyzing portfolio data and making recommendations about prospective capital investments that help in decision making of the firm. I have gained experience as a bank accountant at an internship as from January to April 2014 at cooperative bank. As a bank accountant I have prepared journal entries, posting to the general ledger and also posted the journal entries. I have also posted subsidiary ledgers and performed ledger accounts reconciliation. I also have prepared cash position of the bank on daily, weekly and monthly basis to ensure the bank had sufficient cash for making day-to-day transactions. I was also required to prepare stock reports and ensure the reports were viewed by the management. Moreover, I assisted during preparation of financial statements including a balance sheet, income evaluation statement, and cash flow illustrating statement. The internship session equipped me with the experience of delivering solutions as an accountant in the bank and now am competent in that

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Problems Associated With Exponential Growth Environmental Sciences Essay

The Problems Associated With Exponential Growth Environmental Sciences Essay Define exponential growth. Describe the connection between exponential growth and environmental problems. Exponential growth is the growth in which some quantity, such as population size or economic output, increases at a constant rate per unit of time. The connection between these two is that exponential growth plays a key role in five important and interconnected environmental problems and issues by having population growth, resource use and waste, poverty, loss of biological diversity, and global climate change. But the great news is that we have solutions to these problems that we could implement within a few decades. Distinguish between solar capital and natural capital. Evaluate the significance of these forms of capital in the development of human societies. By analogy, we can think of energy from the sun as solar capital. Solar energy or capital includes direct sunlight and indirect forms of renewable solar energy such as wind power, hydropower, and biomass. Similarly, we can think of the planets air, water, soil, wildlife, forest, rangeland, fishery, mineral, and energy resources and the processes of natural purification, recycling, and pest control as natural resources or natural capital. Natural capital consists of resources that support and sustain the earths life and economies. This priceless natural capital that nature provides at no cost to us plus the natural biological income it supplies can sustain the planet and our economies indefinitely as long as we do not deplete them. Distinguish between living on principal and living on interest. Analyze which of these behaviors humans are currently illustrating. Evaluate the possibility of continuing to live in our current style. If you have something of value such as an amount of money, that is the principle. If you take from that amount to live on, you are living on the interest. The basic item you own is decreasing in value. You may be living well now. If you continue using up the item, you wont be able to use it in the future. You will need other sources of money in the future. Some items gain in value, such as a bank savings account that provides interest. If you draw off the interest, the basic amount in the account stays the same. But you are living on the interest. Currently I believe that humans are living on interest. They dont have enough money to support them so they would just spend first and pay the amount back slowly as interest builds up though. Define globalization. Globalization is the broad process of global social, economic, and environmental change that leads to an increasingly integrated world. What factors affect globalization? Factors accelerating globalization include information and communication technologies, human mobility, and international trade and investment. Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of globalization. Pros Of Globalization With globalization, there is a global market for companies to trade their products and a wider range of options for people, to choose from among the products of different nations.    Developing countries benefit a lot from globalization, as there is a sound flow of money and thus, a decrease in the currency difference. To meet the increasing demands that follow globalization, there is an increase in the production sector. This gives loads of options to the manufacturers as well. Competition keeps prices relatively low, and as a result, inflation is less likely to occur. The focus is diverted and segregated among all the nations. No country remains the single power head; instead there are compartmentalized power sectors. The decisions at higher levels are meant for the people at large.    Communication among the countries is on the rise, which allows for better understanding and broader vision. As communication increases amongst two countries, there is interchange of cultures as well. We get to know more about the others cultural preferences. As we feed to each others financial needs, the ecological imbalance is also meted out. Governments of countries show concern about each other.    Cons Of Globalization Globalization is causing Europeans to lose their jobs as work is being outsourced to the Asian countries. The cost of labor in the Asian countries is low as compared to other countries. The high rate of profit for the companies, in Asia, has resulted in a pressure on the employed Europeans, who are always under the threat of the business being outsourced. Companies are as opening their counterparts in other countries. This results in transferring the quality of their product to other countries, thereby increasing the chances of depreciation in terms of quality. There are experts who believe that globalization is the cause for the invasion of communicable diseases and social degeneration in countries. The threat that the corporates would rule the world is on high, as there is a lot of money invested by them. It is often argued that poor countries are exploited by the richer countries where the work force is taken advantage of and low wages are implemented. Distinguish between developed countries and developing countries. Describe changes in the wealth gap between these groups of countries. Developed country is highly industrialized already and has a high per capita GNP while developing countries have low to moderate industrialization and low to moderate per capita GNP. Most of its location is in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The developed countries are wealthier in economy wise while the developing countries are barely surviving. Distinguish between the following terms: physically depleted and economically depleted resources; nonrenewable, renewable, and potentially renewable resources; reuse and recycle. Economically depleted: When 80% of resource is extracted and used up therefore the cost to extract the 20% exceeds its economic value. Physically depleted: When 100% of resource is extracted and used up. Nonrenewable: Resource that exists in a fixed amount (stock) in various places in the earths crust and has the potential for renewal by geological, physical, and chemical processes taking place over hundreds of millions to billions of years. Examples are copper, aluminum, coal, and oil. We classify these resources as exhaustible because we are extracting and using them at a much faster rate than they were formed. Renewable: Resource that can be replenished rapidly (hours to several decades) through natural processes. Examples are trees in forests, grasses in grasslands, wild animals, fresh surface water in lakes and streams, most groundwater, fresh air, and fertile soil. If such a resource is used faster than it is replenished, it can be depleted and converted into a nonrenewable resource. Potentially renewable resources: something that can be replaced. Reuse: Using a product over and over again in the same form. An example is collecting, washing, and refilling glass beverage bottles.  Recycle: Collecting and reprocessing a resource so that it can be made into new products. An example is collecting aluminum cans, melting them down, and using the aluminum to make new cans or other aluminum products.   Draw a depletion curve. Explain how recycling and reuse affect depletion time. It affects depletion time because as we recycle and reuse the products over time it saves much more of that product and overtime it increases. Define sustainable yield. Sustainable yield is when the highest rate at which a potentially renewable resource can be used without reducing its available supply throughout the world or in a particular area. Describe the relationship between sustainable yield and environmental degradation. Renewable resources can be depleted or degraded. The highest rate at which a renewable resource can be used indefinitely without reducing its available supply is called its sustainable yield. When we exceed a renewable resources natural replacement rate, the available supply begins to shrink, a process known as environmental degradation. Describe the tragedy of the commons. Summarize how most environmentalists alleviate this type of tragedy. The  Tragedy  of the Commons is a term used to  describe  what happens to common resources as a result of human greed. It was first coined in an article in  Science  in 1968 by Garrett Hardin. The commons dilemma was seen long before Hardin, but he brought widespread attention to it and described it in a common-sense fashion that made it easily accessible. The  Tragedy  of the Commons can also be used when describing  national parks, river use, air quality, oil, forests, and even things such as radio frequencies. The  Tragedy  of the Commons is an important  theory  for designing resource usage plans, as its fundamental assumption about how rational humans can act in a way to bring about destruction of their resource gives a reason to set artificial limitations on usage through governmental policy. Distinguish between the following terms: point source of pollution and nonpoint source of pollution; nonpersistent, persistent, and nondegradable pollutants. Point source: Single identifiable source that discharges pollutants into the environment. Examples are the smokestack of a power plant or an industrial plant, drainpipe of a meatpacking plant, chimney of a house, or exhaust pipe of an automobile. Nonpoint source: Large or dispersed land areas such as crop fields, streets, and lawns that discharge pollutants into the environment over a large area.   Nonpersistent: breaking down rapidly. Persistent pollutionhuman created pollution that doesnt break down naturally and is stored in the fats of animals. Nondegradable pollutionpollution that does not break down at all. Distinguish between pollution prevention and pollution cleanup. Evaluate the effectiveness of these two approaches in decreasing pollution. Pollution prevention is when we reduce or eliminate the production of pollutants. Pollution cleanup is when it involves cleaning up or diluting pollutants after they have been produced. Both of these help the Earth stay cleaner because with these two preventions its helping the Earth do something better as in cleaning up or preventing it from happening. It can either be recycling or putting a stop to the harmful products or cutting back on the object. Summarize underlying causes of environmental problems. The major causes of environmental problems are population growth, wasteful resource use, poverty, poor environmental accounting, and ecological ignorance. Describe a simple model of relationships among population, resource use, technology, environmental degradation, and pollution. According to this simple method, the environmental impact (I) of a population on a given area depends on three factors: the number of people (P), the average resource use per person (affluence, A), and the beneficial and harmful environmental effects of the technologies (T) used to provide and consume each unit of resource and to control or prevent the resulting pollution and environmental degradation. Some factors of technology, such as polluting factories and motor vehicles and energy- wasting devices, increase environmental impact by raising the T factor in the equation. But other technologies, such as pollution control and prevention, solar cells, and energy-saving devices, lower environmental impact by decreasing the T factor. In other words, some forms of technology are environmentally harmful and some are environmentally beneficial. Evaluate which model is most useful to you. Assess which model would be most useful in explaining these relationships to young children and which more closely resembles reality. The technology model is very useful because today in the current world, everyone uses technology such as cars to get around and internet and the computer, and cell phones. Without technology, I dont think people would live as successful as today. In reality, no matter how old you are your family should own a cell phone and a computer at least. Without these, I dont think people would function as successful as they are today. Summarize strategies humans can use to work closely with the earth. To help the Earth function, I believe that people should do their best to conserve what they can, reuse what they can, and recycle from time to time to help out the environment. They should also care about the air we inhale and exhale to prevent any lung diseases that can harm us, and cut back on smoking.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Write about the ways in which Charles Dickens presented the female :: Free Essay Writer

Write about the ways in which Charles Dickens presented the female characters in Great Expectations Charles Dickens was born on the 7th February 1812. He is known as one of the greatest writer of his time, creating classics that are still appreciated to this day. Surprisingly he had very little education and taught himself. At a young age Dickens was interested in becoming a reporter and writing and as well as writing fiction, he edited a weekly journal for twenty years. Dickens died on 9th June 1870, at the age of 58. The novel Great Expectations was first published in 1861. The novel was first published in a weekly magazine in several different parts and when finally finished it was published as a book. As it was serialised there were many cliff hangers leaving the reader wanting to read on. It is about Pip who is orphaned at birth, he lives with his strict sister and her husband, a blacksmith. His fate takes a new course when he is summoned to meet Miss Havisham, a rich lady driven to the edge of sanity after being jilted at the altar. Pip slowly becomes infatuated with Miss Havisham's adopted daughter Estella and his hopes of winning her are boosted when he learns that someone has left him a generous amount of money. The story takes some great twists; the three main female characters are Mrs Joe Gargery, Miss Havisham, and Estella, all which are portrayed differently in the novel. The Victorian period was extremely different; the hierarchical system was much more important, and at the time the novel was written there were many controversial political issues. At the time the novel was published rarely did women have an education or work. Charles Dickens depicted men and women as existing within different social spaces. With the exception of Estella, who travels from Satis House to London, all of Dickens's female characters are contained within the home. Women were stereotyped as housewives, and did not have much control over their own lives as women were seen to be owned by their husbands. In Great Expectations we can see how the women who fit Dickens' ideas were rewarded with happy lives, usually in the form of marriage, like Biddy. On the other hand, the women who did not conform to these ideas were punished in one way or another. Even though not all of Dickens' attitudes reflected what was typical of the period, many did. Great Expectations is a reflection of those attitudes that were most likely encouraged by the women in his life. The female characters physical appearance plays a big part, as it

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A reaction paper on the statement

Thomas Edison failed many times before successfully inventing the modern electric light bulb. He said, â€Å"If I find 10,000 ways something won’t work, I haven’t failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.† Reflect on an accomplishment you achieved in an unlikely way.People are known for their ability of becoming the best individuals that they could be even in the middle of disadvantageous situations. It is undeniable that because of the many challenges that people have to live with, they are now able to understand the major issues that are involved within the system of real human living.Aside from gaining the knowledge of the realities about challenges, humans are now able to make the best out of the hardships that come along the way as they intend to be the best that they could be in facing their own lives. Thomas Edison has been among the major personalities in the human history that has been able to make certa in changes in the society through applying the said idealism of NEVER GIVING UP in the middle of major issues of survival in life.Consistently considering this particular fact of life has already made great changes and institutional breakthroughs in the society today. This is certainly the same with the situation that is dealt with by each individual that is considerably facing difficult problems and challenges as persons making up the society today.As for the case of the author of this paper, it could be observed that she has been able to wake up from a dark situation that challenged her ability to withstand the dangers and the hardships of being ill. Although she had been facing such problems with her health, she has been noted to actually understand that she should and must be able to continue her personal development even with so much challenges that she has to face because of her case.Because of this, it is undeniable that she was able to stand up again and become the kind of p erson she wants herself to be, a fighter. She chose to continue her studies amidst all the odds that faced her along the way to at least develop her own skills and make definite changes as to the way that she lives her life beyond all the challenges that she is supposed to deal with.Through this account of actual life experience, it could be noted that challenges are supposed to be faced as major probabilities of changes among human individuals. IT is through these challenges and difficulties that the human society tries to make a difference upon their lives. It is through this particular factor of life that each individual is able to become a stronger person who is able to face the different challenges in his own journey.People who are able to stand up again after a failure that may or may not be inflicted by their ownselves, are those whoa re able to make huge changes in the lives of many people, through inspiring them to fight for their right to a fine way of living and through b ecoming the pillars of truth that attests to the fact that standing up and not giving up is a major part of living a successful way of life.One’s real purpose in living could be identified to the ways by which he is particularly able to face the different challenges that he is naturally faced with in his own journey towards personal development and social connection as well.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mulan Essay

The film Mulan is set in ancient China, in an undefined dynasty. The Huns have penetrated the Great Wall and have invaded China. The emperor orders that new soldiers be drafted. Mulan, a girl who recently humiliated her family by failing the Matchmaker’s assessment, in order to save her aging father from death at war, steals her father’s armor and masquerades as a soldier. Throughout the film, several historical inaccuracies, as well as accurate portrayals, become apparent, in such respects as religious philosophies, historical inconsistencies and through the heavy American influence in the making of the film. Ancient Chinese philosophies, which are still present today, played a huge role in the film and were accurately utilized in advancing the plot. At the beginning of the film, upon the emperor learning of the Hun’s invasion, the general suggested that the army move to protect the emperor’s city. He refused, and ordered that the army move out to protect his people. According to the ideas of Confucianism, one of the key relationships is that of the ruler and his subjects. The ruler must always protect and serve them. With this in mind, the emperor prioritized the safety of his subjects over his own. Confucianism is also very clear about the place of women in society. Women are to stay in the house and quietly raise children and always be obedient towards her husband and father. Mulan defied all of these rules as she took her father’s place in the army. Later, she found that everyone trusted and listened to her while she was under the guise of a man, but as soon as her true identity was revealed, her captain refused to listen to her. This accurately portrays the Confucian idea that women are inferior to men and don’t belong in positions of power. Confucianism wasn’t the only philosophy present in Mulan, but Daoism as well. Two instances where Daoism is visible is during the training scene, and where the emperor refuses to bow to Shan Yu. During the song sequence where Captain Shang trains his soldiers, he says such things as, â€Å"You must be swift as a coursing river†¦ With the strength of a great typhoon†¦ Mysterious as the dark side of the moon. † When the Shan Yu demanded that the emperor bow to him, the emperor brusquely stated, â€Å"No matter how much the wind blows, the mountain cannot bow to it. † Both of these examples illustrate a spiritual connection to nature, a key aspect of Daoism. The writers of Mulan clearly did adequate research on Chinese philosophies in order to accurately use them in the film. Despite the accuracies in the usage of Chinese philosophies, there were various historical inconsistencies throughout the film. The construction of the Great Wall was started in the Qin Dynasty, and was not as tall as it was portrayed in the film until much later. The Huns were repelled from China for the final time during the Han Dynasty. Fireworks weren’t invented until the Tang Dynasty. The Forbidden City wasn’t built until the Ming Dynasty. All of these events occur hundreds of years apart, yet the film contains a completed Great Wall, a Hun invasion, fireworks and the Forbidden City all in the same undefined time period. It could be the filmmakers didn’t do enough research to be aware of these inconsistencies, but it’s more likely that it was decided that these historical inaccuracies could be allowed to to slide for the sake of the film. American culture strongly influenced several aspects of the film. For example, at times, racial stereotypes seem even more exaggerated than they need to be. The emperor’s council has the humorous asian face and voice. At the training camp and at Mulan’s house, people ate nothing but white rice. Mulan contains somewhat extreme asian stereotypes that were spawned from the American view of asian societies. The story is also influenced by American culture. One idea that is seen by many as distinctly American is the desire to do what is right, even if it against the norm. This idea is the subject of many a famous American story. That idea is present again in Mulan, as she rides off to war to save her father, despite his wishes and the law. The whole idea of ‘doing what you know is right’ is an idea that Americans hold on tight to. Examining the Huns, the primary antagonists in the film, we see them portrayed how Americans would portray any of its national enemies. Throughout the film, the Huns make themselves out to be unstoppable brutes with an everlasting bloodlust, who press on to assault the Chinese capital despite losing their entire army, save a few. By the end of the film, we can’t help but see them as rabid animals who can only be stopped by being put down. Historically, America is very good at dehumanizing its enemies in this manner, most notably during World War 2, with the Japanese and Germans, nd even today to an extent, making terrorists in the middle east seem like targets for missiles and shells in our eyes. American culture influenced the writing if the Huns’ characters heavily. Mulan is without a doubt an excellent film that has entertained more than a few generations. However, it is filled with historical inaccuracies as well as ideas that were noticeably influenced by American culture. Just the same, the accurate usage of Chinese philosophies in the movie make it all the better. With this in mind, we can not only understand Mulan, but also be able to analyze any film and with it, have a wider view of the world.